Wednesday, 18 November 2015

Warrington Way 40 Mile Ultra

So I've been fascinated with Ultras since I've read Born to Run so when the opprtunity to sign up for a local 40 mile race I was all in...and very excited

So the race was opened in Spring and I signed up pretty much straight away ( 2 weeks after it opened ) I didn't let the fact I had only ran 2 10k races and  by the time the race started on 7th November 3 HM I'm a bit optimist (sometimes to my own detriment)

As most people know I follow the Maffetone method for my training so my idea was just MAF long runs it didn't really pan out as planned and my longest runs in prep were 18 miles and marathon simulation on 4th Oct which helped

So fast foward to 7th Nov and I'm still awake at 2am (on the couch as not to wake the family up)
I get up at 5.30am and make a coffee have a banana and raisin and nut bar and get changed waiting for my lift who arrives at 5.50am

When we arrive the heavens open and it's raining (perfect Ultra weather apparently) 

I'll break the race down into each 10 mile section

Lymm - The Plough 

This section was very muddy and wet the first mile was spent jumping through puddles and mud you then hit the fields and Warburton Bridge which was ok the weather didn't help you cross one field into Dam Lane where my friend was waiting for me, he gave me the news that the leader (I found out later it was Charlie Sharpe) came through at about 7 min mile pace sheesh we ran and chatted for a bit then he branched off to go home and I ran the last 2 miles to the checkpoint myself 
Time 2hrs 1 min

The Plough - White Moss Garden Centre

I got to the 1st CP just after 3 members of my running club Julia, Lisa and David we had a brief chat and something to east (jaffa cakes and coke) and then decided to set off together bar a short detour (left instead of right) we soon got back on track as I was running MAF I ended up a little bit over my HR in trying to keep up and eventually lost them all together - this section had a little detour in it due to water works being done on part of the route a couple guy ahead of my ended up going the wrong way (quick shout to them sorted that out) and then we arrived at the 2nd CP 
Time 2 hrs 44 mins

Widnes - Hatton

This next section was by far the easiest section mentally due to knowing the first 7 miles of the route I had run it numerous times and didn't need to check my map this was a tough section physically due to going over my longest run distance this was helped by a visit from my cousin and few others from my running club at mile 27 that spurred me on 
Time 2hr 52 mins

Hatton - Lymm

Once we reached the final CP there was a group of us (Ben and Howard the 2 guys I shouted to earlier and Denise a women from my running club 2nd Claim) we mingled with another two local runners and set off I ended up going with the two runners and Denise and left Ben and Howard to use the CP they weren't far behind us but I had home in sight
Time 2hr 33

Total Time 10hrs 10 mins

This section was very tough legs were heavy and I was tired but I ploughed on it was sort of a game of keep up until about mile 8 when I put some music on to spur me on and it sort of had the right effect I ended up leaving everyone behind and finish the last 2 miles very strong and 10 mins ahead of Denise and the other two women and 25 mins ahead of Howard and Ben - I felt a little bad due to running with everyone for such a long time but I needed to get done

I really really enjoyed this race it was tough but I learned quite a lot about myself during it and considering I had only done my first HM in May to jump up to an Ultra was a big ask but I did it

I am going to take away a lot from this race I think knowing the route helps massively and gradually increasing mileage up to the required distance is the way forward it is on my list for 2016 and I'll definately better my time from this year

Ultras aren't for everyone but I'm pleased to say that they are for me

Thanks for reading
All smiles after 41 miles