Thursday, 12 February 2015

Why are you running??

I got a Facebook message the other day asking the following

1. Why are you running?

To answer I have to break the question down

1. Why are you running?

Why did I chose running it never interested me until 2012 when I wanted a cheap way to get fit (not so cheap now but that's for another post) so I started C25K for 9 weeks did my first 5K in 30 mins got slightly better some weeks and others not so much but when out 3 sometime 4 times a week to pound the pavements why? 

Because for me I found something so easy to do shoes one and out I went..............I was free

Free from work and money worries,family stuff and loads more it did and sometimes does still enter my head but doesn't control me during my run and over time I've been able to forget any issues that are bothering me for the length of my run and sometimes find a solution running gives me clarity and focus

I've played many sports over the years and tried my hands at most fitness things weights,fitness dvds all the fads but running was something I fell in love with ( I have my off days as we all do) but I love to run plain and simple I enjoy it if I could I would run everyday but that's not viable so I stick to my 3 days a week and put time into my plan and work my schedule around work or family to create the least impact on both family life and my running it's all about having the right balance in your life, I struggle with running as it is my passion but also my obsession I am present in my running endevours sometimes more than my other ones and I tried hard to make sure it doesn't take over and create disharmony in my family life it's still a work in progress but that's the point I'm working on it

So fast forward to 2015 and I have 2 x 10K's under my belt 1 x Tough Mudder with the following planned

  • Trail Half - 20th June
  • Grim Reaper 40 Mile - 31st July
  • Tough Mudder North West - September
  • Hell Up North
Where am I running towards? 

I have one goal to become an Ultra runner and run far and long (I'll do another post for that aswell)


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