Friday, 13 February 2015

Why go Ultra?

Well I don’t really do things in moderation, I always have been an “ All or Nothing” type of person

I can become obsessed and have a lot of focus on things that interest me (sometimes to my own detriment and am trying to focus on the right balance)

So back to the question

Why go Ultra?

Well when I first started running I looked ahead to where I wanted to be before really getting started and I discovered JOGLE orJohn O’Groats to Lands End a 969 mile supported Ultra

JOGLE has been covered many times from bikes and other methods of transport and this peaked my interest you could say I put this desire to the back of my mind as 969 is some going and I was still learning to run but it lit a fire in me that has burned for 3 years and is only growing

After reading Born To Run by Christopher McDougall this completely changed my outlook on UItras and it seems more and more events have been popping up else where there is a boom (which I’m sure many of us are grateful for)

Born To Run tells the story of Micah True or Caballo Blanco (The White Horse) a ultra runner that lived in the Cooper Canyons in Mexico and also the story of the Tarahumara the true Ultra distance runners who think nothing of running 100+ miles easily as it is their only form of travel. 

The book is extremely well written and informative, you learn about some of the original races Leadville, Badwater and Western States 100 mile while being introduced to a cast of characters such as Barefoot Ted and Scott Jurek (the latter has his own book)

You are also introduced to the Barefoot running trend which has created a Billion dollar industry for shoe companies and you also learn about why we are built for running compared to other animals 

**I think every runner should read this book**

Once I finished BTR I then discovered Eat and Run by Scott Jurek for those that don’t know Scott is a very successful Ultra Runner has won Western States 100 multiple times and numerous other races,consults for Brooks regarding their running shoe line, his book is also very well written and explains about his journey and also the fact he is a Vegan (doesn’t eat any animals or animal products) this opened my eyes to the other types of nutrition and options available. 

After Scott’s book I stumbled on Finding Ultra by Rich Roll and his endeavours as a Vegan and Ultra Endurance Triathlete his book is the one I related to the most because the struggles with alcohol and recovery and transition into fitness resonate with myself not on the same scale as him but I have battled with drink and drugs (not touched drugs in 5 years and never will again)

The main running distances are 5K (3.1 miles), 10K (6.2 miles), Half-Marathon (13.1) and Marathon (26.2) for most that start out running 5K is the normal starting point ,

I signed up for a 5K race and at the time it was a big challenge but over time it became easier (as it does with regular training) and 5K became one of my training runs then I set my sights on 10K and hit that target and then moved up to Half-Marathon and have hit that in training frequently (race to be completed in 2015) and the next normal step was Marathon with sights set on Manchester 2016 and then an Ultra, but after talking to William Robertson that all changed he changed my outlook on how I approach my goals and I realised a normal escalation doesn’t always have to apply you can think outside the box and jump up as you please the choice you make is 100% your own

Also the fear surrounding Ultra doesn’t intimidate me I look on the long distance with excitement the further the better so my plan

2015/2016 plan originally

Trail Half Wales – 20/06/2015
We Love MCR 10K -12/07/2015
Tough Mudder – 12/09/2015
Birchwood 10K -16/08/2015
English Half Marathon – 20/09/2015
Hell Up North -17/10/2015
Manchester Marathon -19/04/2016
Lakeland Trails

2015/2016 plan changed

Trail Half Wales – 20/06/2015
We Love MCR 10K   Grim Reaper 40 miler -31/07/2015
Tough Mudder – 12/09/2015
Birchwood 10K -16/08/2015
English Half Marathon – 20/09/2015
Hell Up North -17/10/2015
Not Confirmed
Manchester Marathon -19/04/2016
Grim Reaper 70 or 100 miler -30/07/2016
The Grim Reaper Ultra has become my main focus as I feel it is everything I could want in a Ultra 10 mile loop ran either 4,7 or 10 times in the lovely location of Grimsthorpe Castle in Lincolnshire

I can see this Race becoming a regular event in my running career and leading to more Ultra races hopefully


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