Saturday 1 August 2015

TWT Day 13

Day 13....penultimate day

Little bit of leeway today

Food for today


400g broccoli with 60g cheese and 4 rashers of bacon


Chicken chassuer ( 2 chicken thighs with green pepper and 100g mushrooms - made with packet mix)


10g mixed nuts
Soya milk latte
Glass of dry white wine
90g mild cheddar and 25g mixed nuts (such a nice snack)

Today was a good day today I had a little treat day today sort of I've had soya milk which on the Dr Gangemi TWT page isn't allowed but in Dr Phil's it is so I made a choice and it was lovely, I always made a meal using a packet mix I checked the ingredients and they contained wheat and flour but I made another choice and had it as I've hardly had any family meals during the TWT due to eating at different times and eating different foods it was nice (the family had rice) I had just chicken and sauce and it was yummy and no response so far.

It could be classed as cheating almost but I don't think it is as the amount would be negligible and it's not going to make me drop back into bad habits refined carbs are 99% out of my diet unless absolutely unavoidable.

I had wine I don't drink a lot mostly sweet cider on the weekend or Guinness but cut it out for the test until today it's sort of had a response it's made me sleepy which is good as it's nearly bed time

Got my final day tomorrow and am going for a run aim to get my weekly mileage around 30 longest in a while need to ramp up the miles

I'll be summarising my 2 weeks in my post tomorrow and I'm going to keep the blog going but dial down the nutrition focus (day by day) and link it towards my training more so regarding MAF progress and race goals and publish it once or twice a week (more depth and stats -😍 can't beat the stats)

Thanks for reading

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