Monday, 20 July 2015

TWT Day 1

So Day 1 arrived for me to start the Two Week Test (TWT).....yay

I was starting a bodyweight program today aswell as my first run in 11 days after a rest/eating period (it was my birthday).

So up I got 30 mins than normal 6:15am downstairs to do my workout, put the coffee machine on and check over my prep from yesterday

Food for today was


Fresh Coffee and Coconut Oil (blended)

2 medium boiled eggs (with salt and pepper)


Lettuce, cucumber, pepper salad with 75g cheese and 50ml sour cream


Lettuce, cucumber, half an avocado, tablespoon EVOO, salt and pepper


2 chopped tomatoes with herbs, salt pepper and tablespoon of Extra Virgin Olive Oil (EVOO)

5 carrots (peeled and sliced into batons)

To be fair today was more than ok, I feel I have good willpower (we have a tuck shop in work and I wasn't tempted)

I spaced my meals out well enough (might take more snacks tomorrow)

I had good energy throughout the day I had about 5 cups of instant coffee with no sweeteners (not as bad as I thought it would be) and plenty of water about 8 - 10 pints

I managed the bodyweight session in the morning (although messed it up and did more squats than called for....ouch my poor quads!)

I even managed a club run session tonight total of 7.7 miles....quads are really sore 😭😭😭

Although these are now filtering to minimal if not stopping all together as the HR spikes a lot and struggled to keep at MAF so think I am going to put in a good few solo sessions over the next few months hoping my MAF pace drops to more sustainable pace for club sessions

Overall a good first day I was hoping to do the bodyweight session every morning but the way my legs feel right now that might not happen I'll think I'll do 3-4 days this week to build up slowly

1st picture is Breakfast

2nd picture was my dinner (it was amazing)

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