Sunday, 26 July 2015

TWT Day 7

Day 7...was interesting today

Food choices


2 eggs fried with 200g mushrooms and 20g cheddar cheese


250g homemade broccoli and stilton soup


Roast Carvery (Pork, Turkey, Beef 50g each) Veg (Carrots and Swede (Turnip),Parsnips,Green Beans, Cauliflower and Broccoli, Fried Onions,Cabbage) about 200g each maybe less


25g mixed nuts

So after my dinner I had a symptom return I felt tired and sluggish and ended up falling asleep for 15-20 mins this was quite normal pre TWT after a heavy carb based meal, I think it was down to the parsnips and swede,

I was trying to look up if it was allowed but poor internet where I was eating so made a decision and while not the wrong one it made me question things slightly

Can I stick at this for another week or longer when adding things in?

Can I cut out things that I like such as pizza,ice cream and a meal out or takeaway etc

The answer is yes I don't miss that stuff I'm happy eating this way and while looking forward to adding foods back in if I want pizza I'll make one with wholemeal flour or buy/make proper ice cream it's about making healthier choices and finding the fun in food again I got so much enjoyment from making a soup last night it was so simple I've always liked cooking but this if different and if I slip that's fine it's about it being the exception to the rule not the normality

I thought I had ruined the test but after a few comments I'm sticking with it

Thinking about it I could put it down to a few things definitely higher carbs in parsnips compared to other veg almost double a carrot but I've not ate that amount of carbs from veg that I ate today since starting the test it was about double so it might be my body just reacting.

Also I was up quite late last night 1.30am and while I woke this morning feeling rested and ready for the day it could have caught up with me.

The one plus from this is my symptom went away almost instantly I had my sleep then 10 mins later I was fine energy levels were normal previously I would have been sluggish all day and yawning and tired I'm sat here typing this feeling the same as I did when I woke up so the test is working.

Even more fun tomorrow trip to the seaside...temptation everywhere but I'm prepapred

Thanks for reading

1 comment:

  1. Hi - Looking for vegetarian options, I find quite a few in your posts. Thanks for documenting and sharing your process. Re: recurrence of symptoms - Beans is a legume and a no-no. So green beans could be the culprit.
